Unclaimed Property


Morris Nichols played an integral role in shaping Delaware’s unclaimed property law—from helping draft the state’s statutes and regulations to its relevant audit and voluntary disclosure procedures.  In addition, Morris Nichols is involved with unclaimed property at the national level and participated in drafting the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, which was adopted by the Uniform Law Commission in 2016 when a Morris Nichols partner served as President of the Uniform Law Commission.

We represent clients who need to defend audits conducted by Delaware, its contract auditors, and other states. We also advise clients on voluntary disclosure and compliance programs with Delaware and other states and provide general guidance concerning unclaimed property law. Morris Nichols has served as unclaimed property counsel to over 200 companies, including many Fortune 500 companies and in a variety of industries, including, oil and gas, retail, manufacturing, hotel and restaurant, entertainment, video games, aerospace, private equity, banking and financial services.


  • Speaking Engagement, 03.23.2025 through 03.26.2025

    Kate Betterly serves as a co-panelist on the morning panel, “Unclaimed Property Definitions Round-Up” on Monday, March 24, 2025.



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Delaware Unclaimed Property Companion

Morris Nichols’ Delaware Unclaimed Property Companion is a practical resource for those engaged in a Delaware unclaimed property audit or voluntary disclosure, as well as to those who may want to know more about Delaware’s unclaimed property laws, regulations, and procedures.MORE

"Unclaimed Property: A Delicate Balance for Delaware - Enforcing the Law in the Face of Ongoing Legal Challenges and Economic Uncertainty"

In this Delaware Business Magazine article, Morris Nichols partners Katherine Betterly and Michael Houghton examine the tightrope Delaware walks as it balances its reputations as as the “corporate capital of the world” with its pursuit of unclaimed property.MORE

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