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As Delaware attorneys, we are immersed in the body of law that governs the capital structure, governance, and business decisions of our clients. As leaders in the Delaware bar, we help craft the statutes that the courts interpret and litigate the cases that shape common law. This focus allows us to provide unparalleled insight into all aspects of Delaware’s business law.

  • Michael is the chair of Morris Nichols’ recruiting committee. In his IP litigation practice, Michael represents clients as lead or Delaware counsel in disputes primarily in the District of Delaware in a wide variety of industries, with a particular focus on web-based technology, networking, biotechnology and consumer products.
    Michael Flynn
  • Eric is an advocate for LGBTQ rights. A member of the firm’s Diversity Committee, he was the first openly gay attorney and openly gay partner at Morris Nichols. Eric previously served as President of Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia and also served for many years as a Trustee of the Delaware HIV Consortium. Eric lives in the suburbs with his husband and two children, where he is actively involved in his local community. He believes in raising visibility in all communities to foster awareness and openness.
    Eric Klinger-Wilensky
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