Pro Bono & Community Service


Morris Nichols is dedicated to Delaware and the communities we live and work in. We demonstrate that dedication by providing pro bono legal services to the underrepresented and by investing our time and resources in the form of volunteerism and community involvement and support.

Pro Bono

We actively encourage all of our lawyers to become involved with public service from the start of their careers. With a focus on the community of Wilmington, Delaware, our pro bono efforts involve securing access for the underrepresented to veterans’ benefits, housing, healthcare, Social Security disability, and education. Several of our lawyers serve as court-appointed advocates for children, and a number of others assist with prisoners’ rights cases. 

Our pro bono legal work has been consistently recognized by the Delaware community including the:

Volunteerism, Community Involvement and Support

Our presence in the community extends far beyond pro bono legal services. Our lawyers and business professionals serve on numerous boards, volunteer, and provide financial support to a wide range of educational, charitable, faith-based, health and welfare, and arts organizations throughout the Delaware Valley. A Morris Nichols partner chairs the Delaware State Bar Associations's Lawyer Assistance Committee. Another partner serves as co-chair of the Delaware State Bar Professional Guidance Committee. A number of our lawyers are also leaders of many of the administrative arms of the Delaware courts, including the Board of Bar Examiners and the Rules Committees of the Courts, as well as many important committees of the Delaware Bar Association. 


Derek C. Abbott, Pro Bono and Community Service Committee Chair
302-351-9357 | 

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