Mergers & Acquisitions Litigation


With unrivaled knowledge of Delaware corporate law, Morris Nichols represents companies, boards of directors and special committees in litigation arising from contemplated or hostile transactions, including mergers and acquisitions. We work closely with our Corporate Counseling, Alternative Entity Counseling, and Commercial Transactions teams to anticipate potential issues before a transaction is announced, and develop informed strategies based on our deep understanding of the law and courts.

Our lawyers routinely handle a full range of M&A related disputes, including class and derivative breach of fiduciary duty actions, busted deal cases involving material adverse change provisions, claims involving activist shareholders; statutory appraisal actions; challenges to shareholder rights plans; and other transaction related litigation.


  • Speaking Engagement, 03.06.2025 through 03.07.2025

    Bill Lafferty is a co-chair of the conference planning committee and moderates the “Delaware Developments” panel on March 6.


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Litigation Suite

The Morris Nichols Litigation Suite for visiting counsel features over 4,000+ sq. ft. of state-of- the-art technology. Your legal team will benefit from both individual offices that provide comfortable space for confidential matters as well as over-sized multi-purpose rooms which afford a collaborative war-room environment when necessary. MORE

Landmark Victory for Anthem in High-Profile Merger Litigation

Morris Nichols, partnering with litigation counsel White & Case, achieved victory for Anthem in a long-running “busted deal” dispute against their former merger partner, Cigna. The case arose from the failed $54 billion merger of the country’s second-and third-largest commercial health insurers.MORE

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