Charlotte Estate Planning Council: Trust Planning with Beneficiary Well-Being in Mind

Speaking Engagement
Charlotte, NC

In 2024, Delaware introduced Section 3345, allowing the creation of beneficiary well-being trusts, which promote engagement, education, and overall well-being, making it the first statute of its kind in the United States.

On March 27, 2025, Morris Nichols partner Todd Flubacher joins the Charlotte Estate Planning Council to present, “Trust Planning with Beneficiary Well-Being in Mind: How Advisers Can Help Prepare the Next Generation for Inherited Wealth.” Todd covers some of the shortcomings of traditional planning tools and how they impact beneficiary well-being, by sharing an empirically-backed framework to define well-being, and explores the uses and benefits of Delaware’s new Beneficiary Well-Being Trust Statute.

CLE opportunities are available. For more information and to register, visit the CEPC website.


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