Insights Archive
- 10.28.2014Client Alert
Under Delaware law, a less-than-majority stockholder may be deemed a controlling stockholder if it “exercises control over the business affairs of the corporation.” Two recent opinions from the Court of Chancery provide helpful guidance as to how the Court will apply this standard.
- 10.15.2014Client Alert
Chief Judge Stark provided clarification regarding the new filing and service deadline of 6 p.m., which becomes effective on October 16, 2014.
- 10.13.2014Client Alert
In an opinion issued earlier this year, the Court of Chancery held RBC Capital Markets, LLC liable to stockholders of Rural/Metro Corporation for aiding and abetting the Rural directors’ breaches of fiduciary duties in connection with the sale of Rural to Warburg Pincus LLC. Last week, the Court issued a subsequent opinion determining the amount of damages suffered by the stockholder class and addressing RBC’s claims for contribution against its former co-defendants, who had previously settled with plaintiffs.
- 10.03.2014Client Alert
On October 2, 2014, the United States District Court for the District of Delaware issued a standing order, effective October 16, 2014, further revising section (F) of its Revised Administrative Procedures Governing Filing and Service by Electronic Means to reflect a new filing and service deadline of 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time. “Aside from initial pleadings, all electronic transmissions of documents (including, but not limited to, motions, briefs, appendices, and discovery responses) must be completed by 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time, in order to be considered timely filed and served that day.” (Revision to Electronic Case Filing Policies and Procedures, Section (F), Oct. 2, 2014).
- 10.2014Article
In several notable decisions, Delaware courts have allowed claims against officers to proceed and, in those decisions, discussed the potential liability that officers may face and offered certain practical suggestions for limiting the risk of liability faced by officers.
- 10.01.2014Client Alert
The Delaware Supreme Court recently issued an order denying an interlocutory appeal of the opinion of Delaware Court of Chancery (the “Chancery Court”) in IMO Daniel Kloiber Trust U/A/D December 20, 2012 (“Kloiber”).
- 10.01.2014Client Alert
Master LeGrow of the Delaware Court of Chancery (the “Court”) issued a draft report (the “Draft Report”) granting a defendant’s motion for summary judgment upholding the enforceability of a spendthrift clause under Delaware’s spendthrift statute, Section 3536 of Title 12 of the Delaware Code (“Section 3536”). The Draft Report is notable because it is a strong confirmation of the protections available to beneficiaries of third-party spendthrift trusts under Section 3536 and the Court refused to create a public policy exception to Section 3536 for a tort claimant who was a family member of the plaintiffs and who allegedly persistently engaged in a course of conduct that breached his fiduciary duties resulting in millions of dollars of damages for plaintiffs.
- 10.2014Article
The recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision in In re Nine Systems Corporation Shareholders Litigation is especially instructive for private company directors, investors, and the lawyers who advise them.
- 09.08.2014Client Alert
In In re Nine Systems Corp. Shareholders Litigation, the Court of Chancery held that a control group of stockholders and their director designees breached their fiduciary duties in approving a recapitalization of Nine Systems Corporation because the recapitalization was the result of an unfair process, even though it was accomplished at a fair price.
- 09.04.2014Publication
Section 251(h) of the Delaware General Corporation Law (the “DGCL”) took effect just over a year ago. That statute was designed effectively to permit a simultaneous closing of the front-end tender or exchange offer and back-end merger in a two-step transaction if certain preconditions - notably, that a sufficient number of shares are tendered in the offer - are satisfied. In this report, we survey some of our observations on the use of Section 251(h) over the past year, both generally and with respect to specific merger provisions, and discuss statutory amendments to Section 251(h) that took effect August 1, 2014 (the “2014 Amendments”).
- 09.2014Article
The 2014 amendments to the Delaware General Corporation Law (the DGCL) implement relatively minor, but important, improvements to existing provisions.
- 09.2014Article
Look-back on the use of new Section 251(h) of the Delaware General Corporation Law, which was designed to permit a simultaneous closing of the front-end tender offer or exchange offer and back-end merger in a two-step transaction.
- 08.15.2014Client Alert
On February 24, 2014, RF Micro Devices, Inc. and TriQuint Semiconductor Inc. announced a merger agreement under which the companies agreed to an all-stock “merger of equals.” Following the merger’s announcement, five lawsuits on behalf of TriQuint’s stockholders were filed: three of those lawsuits were filed in the Delaware Court of Chancery and two lawsuits were filed in Oregon state court.
- Summer 2014Article
- 08.05.2014Article
Delaware has furthered its general policy of giving maximum effect to the principle of freedom of contract and to the enforceability of contracts in accordance with their terms by passing legislation that authorizes a statute of limitations of up to 20 years for breach of contract claims. Delaware is the first state to adopt a statute of limitations of this length for breach of contract claims.
- 07.15.2014Client Alert
The Delaware Court of Chancery recently issued a ruling that serves as an important reminder that following a merger, timely notice of the merger's effective date must be sent to any stockholder of record who has demanded appraisal. Failing to do so creates additional litigation risk in a M&A environment already charged with an increasing number of stockholder appraisal demands.
- 06.17.2014Client Alert
The District of Delaware initiated a Patent Study Group (“PSG”) in January 2014 to address the District’s impressive patent caseload and to improve overall efficiency in patent litigation. On June 17, 2014, Judge Stark formally adopted Revised Procedures for Managing Patent Cases, which will be implemented in all non-ANDA patent cases assigned to him filed on or after July 1, 2014.
- 05.16.2014Client Alert
On May 13, 2014, the Intellectual Property Section of the Delaware Chapter of the Federal Bar Association hosted a CLE program featuring Chief Judge Randall Rader and Judge Timothy B. Dyk of the Federal Circuit, Judge Kent A. Jordan of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, Judges Sue L. Robinson, Leonard P. Stark, and Richard G. Andrews of the District of Delaware, Chief Judge Leonard E. Davis of the Eastern District of Texas, and Magistrate Judge Paul S. Grewal of the Northern District of California.
- 05.09.2014Client Alert
In ATP Tour, Inc. v. Deutscher Tennis Bund, issued on May 8, 2014, the Delaware Supreme Court upheld the facial validity of a bylaw requiring an unsuccessful plaintiff in corporate litigation to reimburse the corporation for its litigation expenses if the plaintiff fails to obtain a judgment on the merits of its claim.
- 04.17.2014Client Alert
On April 13, 2014, the Corporation Law Section of the Delaware State Bar Association was provided with proposed amendments to the Delaware General Corporation Law (the “DGCL”). On the same day, the Commercial Law Section of the DSBA was provided with a proposed revision to Delaware’s contractual statute of limitations that may have a significant effect on corporate practice.
- 02.01.2014Article
Morris Nichols maintains a Cumulative Survey of Delaware case law relating to alternative entities that is updated annually, organized by subject area and includes most cases that address significant alternative entity issues.
- 02.01.2014Client Alert
In a February 12, 2014 decision, the Court of Chancery held that a petitioner in an appraisal proceeding could not be compelled to accept “prepayment” of an appraisal award in order to stop the accrual of interest on the amount prepaid. The holding is significant because the default statutory interest rate on an appraisal award (5% over the Federal Reserve discount rate) may be viewed as very favorable by stockholders considering whether to bring appraisal claims.
- 2014Publication
Michael Houghton and Walter Tuthill, Morris Nichols Commercial Law Counseling Group partners, served as co-authors of the revised Bureau of National Affairs (BNA) Corporate Practice Series Portfolio: Unclaimed Property.
- 2014Publication
Morris Nichols partners Andy Johnston and Mark Hurd are coauthors of the Bloomberg BNA Corporate Practice series Portfolio, Special Committees of Independent Directors.
- 12.01.2013Article
The country’s leading trust jurisdictions have been experiencing enormous growth in recent years from two sources: the creation of new trusts and the migration of existing trusts to take advantage of more favorable administrative laws. It’s become commonplace to optimize planning through careful jurisdiction selection, migrating an existing trust to an advantageous jurisdiction and modifying the trust to capitalize on the new administrative laws, including converting it to a directed trust to accomplish specific objectives.
- 11.08.2013ArticleDelaware Alert: A Third Circuit Panel Strikes Down the Court of Chancery's Confidential Arbitrations
Morris Nichols’ “Delaware Alert: A Third Circuit Panel Strikes Down the Court of Chancery’s Confidential Arbitrations” was featured on the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation on Nov. 8, 2013.
- 11.01.2013Article
John P. DiTomo, Morris Nichols Corporate and Business Litigation Group member, authored “The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit Strikes Down Delaware’s Confidential Arbitration Program,” published in the November 2013 State Corner section of Insights: The Corporate & Securities Law Advisor (Vol. 27, No. 11).
- 07.19.2013Article
Louis Hering, Morris Nichols Commercial Law Counseling Group partner, and Melissa DiVincenzo, Morris Nichols Delaware Corporate Law Counseling Group partner, co-authored 2013 Amendments to Delaware's General Corporation Law and Alternative Entity Statutes appearing in the July 19, 2013 edition of Corporate Accountability Report, a publication of Bloomberg BNA.
- 07.01.2013Article
Rick Alexander, James Honaker, and Daniel Matthews authored “Forum Selection Bylaws: Where We Are and Where We Go from Here,” published in the July 2013 Securities Litigation section of Insights: The Corporate & Securities Advisor (Vol. 27, No. 7).
- 07.01.2013Article
Tarik Haskins, partner in the Morris Nichols Delaware Commercial Law Counseling Group, authored “Exit Stage Left: Getting Out of Your Limited Liability Company” featured in the July 2013 Edition of Business Law Today, a publication of the ABA's Business Law Section.
- 05.22.2013Article
Patricia O. Vella, Morris Nichols Delaware Corporate Law Counseling Group partner, co-authored “Confidentiality and Standstill Agreements: Recent Delaware Law Developments” featured in the May 22, 2013 edition of The Review of Securities & Commodities Regulation.
- 05.01.2013Article
Jeff Wolters authored “Breacher Beware: Contract Damages in Delaware M&A Decisions” appearing in the Delaware Insider section of the April 2013 issue of the ABA’s Business Law Today.
- 05.01.2013Article
Trusts, Estates & Tax Group partner Todd Flubacher authored “Trust Merger: What’s Good for the Goose Is Good for the Gander” featured in the Spring 2013 edition of Delaware Banker.
- 05.01.2013Article
Louis Hering, Morris Nichols Commercial Law Counseling Group partner, and Melissa DiVincenzo, Morris Nichols Delaware Corporate Law Counseling Group partner, co-authored “Considerations for Contractual Provisions Extending Statutes of Limitations” presented at the 2013 Working Group on Legal Opinions Spring Seminar in New York City, May 14, 2013.
- 04.02.2013Article
Jeff Wolters, Morris Nichols Corporate Law Counseling Group partner, and Mike Houghton, Morris Nichols Unclaimed Property Law Counseling Group partner, co-authored Liability Exposure for Delaware Incorporated Companies - The Risk of an Escheat Audit and Delaware’s New Voluntary Disclosure Program to Avoid Penalties appearing in the April 2013 issue of TerraLex Connections.
- 02.01.2013Article
David A. Harris, Louis G. Hering, “2013 Summary of Delaware Case Law Relating to Alternative Entities,” 2013 Annual Meeting of ABA, Section of Business Law (Feb. 1, 2013)
- 01.01.2013Article
Donald F. Parsons, Jr.; Jason S. Tyler, “Docket Dividends: Growth in Shareholder Litigation Leads to Refinements in Chancery Procedures,” 70 WASH. & LEE. L. REV. 473 (2013)
- 01.01.2013Article
James D. Honaker, Jeffrey R. Wolters, “Analysis of 2013 Amendments to the Delaware General Corporation Law,” Aspen Publishers, Inc.
- 01.01.2013Article
Tarik J. Haskins, “Using Limited Liability Company Interests and Limited Partnership Interests as Collateral,” ABA Business Law Today (Jan. 2013)
Download PDF - 12.01.2012Article
Jeffrey Wolters authored “Decisions in Delaware Offer Important Guidance for U.S. and Foreign Companies,” appearing in the December 2012 issue of TerraLex Connections.
- 11.01.2012Article
Louis G. Hering, “Commentary on Freedom of Contract and Default Contractual Duties in Delaware Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies,” The Institute of Delaware Corporate & Business Law, On-Line Symposium: Default Fiduciary Duties in LLCs and LPs (2012)
- 11.01.2012Article
Tarik Haskins, partner in the Morris Nichols Delaware Commercial Law Counseling Group, is the featured author of “Using Limited Liability Company Interests and Limited Partnership Interests as Collateral” appearing in the Fall 2012 Edition of the ABA’s Commercial Law Newsletter, a joint publication of the Commercial Finance and Uniform Commercial Code Committees of the ABA’s Business Law Section.
- 08.15.2012Article
Melissa A. DiVincenzo, Louis G. Hering, “2012 Amendments to Delaware’s General Corporation Law and Alternative Entity Statutes,” BNA’s Corporate Counsel Weekly, Vol. 256, No. 27 (Aug. 15, 2012)
- 06.01.2012Article
James D. Honaker and Eric S. Klinger-Wilensky, members of the Morris Nichols Delaware Corporate Law Counseling Group, authored “Dividends, Redemptions and Stock Purchases” for Practical Law Company’s Practice Note series.
- 04.2012Article
Louis Hering, Morris Nichols Commercial Law Counseling Group partner, and associate R. Jason Russell, authored “Series LLC”–appearing in the April 2012 issue of Practical Law The Journal.
- 03.01.2012Article
Jeff Wolters authored “Running a Proper Interdependent Committee Process: Practice Tips from Recent Delaware Cases” appearing in the Delaware Insider section of the March 2012 issue of the ABA’s Business Law Today.
- 03.01.2012Article
Jeffrey R. Wolters, Tom Kellerman, “Corporate Governance for Venture-Backed Companies,” The Review of Securities & Commodities Regulation (March 2012)
- 01.01.2012Article
Morris Nichols attorneys Jeffrey R. Wolters, Patricia O. Vella, and Eric S. Klinger-Wilensky contributed three chapters to the 2012 edition of Corporate Attorney’s Practice Guide, published by Lexis Nexis.
- 01.01.2012Article
Morris Nichols partner Todd Flubacher authored “Don’t Tread On Me: How Delaware Courts Review Trustee Discretion” featured in the January 2012 edition of Delaware Banker Magazine. The article examines recent Delaware case law and a hidden gem found in Delaware’s trust statutes that answers the question, “What is the risk that an interested party will sue a trustee whenever they take discretionary action?”
- 01.01.2012Article
Lauren K. Neal, “The Virtual Water Cooler and the NLRB: Concerted Activity in the Age of Facebook,” 69 Washington & Lee Law Review 1715 (2012)
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Chambers USA 2024 and Chambers High Net Worth 2024 Recognizes Morris Nichols in Band 1 for Delaware Bankruptcy, Chancery, Corporate/M&A & Alternative Entities, Intellectual Property and Private Wealth Law
Recognized as a Law360 Delaware Regional Powerhouse in 2024
Recognized by The Legal 500 US 2024 for M&A litigation and M&A/corporate and commercial.
39 Morris Nichols Attorneys Listed in The Best Lawyers in America® 2025
12 Morris Nichols Attorneys Selected for Inclusion in 2024 Delaware Super Lawyers
Ranked by Benchmark Litigation in top band for Delaware law firms
Ranked a “Gold” IP law firm by Intellectual Asset Management in its IAM Patent 1000
Ranked in the top Delaware bands by IFLR United States for M&A and restructuring and insolvency