Michael Houghton Quoted as Delaware Enacts Human Trafficking Law

Media Mention

Wilmington, DE (July 1, 2014) – On Monday, June 30, Delaware enacted legislation which strengthens penalties for criminals engaged in human trafficking and provides safeguards for victims.

Morris Nichols partner Michael Houghton, Delaware Uniform Law Commissioner and ULC Immediate Past-President, has advocated in support of this initiative for more than three years. “With Gov. Markell signing this Uniform Act into law, Delaware leads the nation in the fight against modern slavery,” he said. “Attorney General Biden, Sen. Blevins and Rep. Keeley have been exceptional partners in the fight to punish traffickers and provide resources and dignity to the survivors of trafficking—there is much left to do, but Delaware is leading the way.”

Senate Bill 197 was signed at a ceremony in Legislative Hall in Dover. The bill passed the State House and Senate unanimously earlier this spring. For more details, read the Delaware.gov release available here.


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